I would just like to say, actually I would love to say, how happy I am that Pauline Hanson is back. What an incredible woman. She single handedly (I admit with aid of the other champions in the One Nation party) represented a part of Australia that should have disappeared with Brillo hair cream back in the 1950's. She reinvented the redneck and she gave people that shouldn't have been born a voice. If she could give them two voices, one for each head, she would have.

Pauline, you wonderful creature, you woke us up. We had nearly forgotten about the crap people in our world. They had nearly slipped into obscurity, and we were going to move on as one wonderful country into the new millenium and prove to the world that we weren't racist, xenophobic, uneducated bigots.
We got scared and elected a mole (the blind creature that digs holes) for PM.
Thank you Pauline Hanson, for again you have come at a most impressively important time. What is your opinion on Iraq? Surely you must subscribe to the notion that ''if they continue to blow themselves up in cars they will soon run out of people"? What about the massively un-publicised AIDS crisis in Africa? Is your opinion similar to that of Iraq, that they will eventually die off? What are the two things you want to focus on? Oh, thats right; immigration and water.
Pauline: If we don't let immigrants have water they won't come here. That way we have more water and no smelly immigrants.
Kerry O'Brien: That doesn't make any sense at all...
Pauline: I am going to raise the pitch of my voice and sound more and more upset until people focus on the TV and listen to me because I am a Dalek and you will obey and WE WILL GAIN SUPREMACY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (deep breath) I do not need to answer your question, Kerry, because there are enough numbnuts in the world that will follow me.
Kerry: But...
Editor's subnote: Jum of Bungendore apologised for his ill-tempered and overtly graphic textuality. He has promised me that he wouldn't write about politics ever again. He insisted that I say one final thing for him and it goes as follows: "Thank you Pauline for finally taking the focus off the Labor Party. They need the rest."
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