Frozen Grass Blog 1

Monday, December 11, 2006

The End as we Knew It

I thought it was pretty obvious a few years ago, in fact a lot of people thought the same. No one listened because they didn't want to hear the truth. Places like Cubby Station were making too much money, and besides, who wants to pull someone's head out of their bum for the sake of a few million litres of water? It is pretty obvious now, and there is no point harping on about it either. We really are up the creek without a paddle. State Governments point the finger at Federal Government, and Federal Government points the finger at Iraq. No one puts up their hand and says 'sorry fellas, I stuffed up'.

I don't care who stuffed up - just bloody well fix it. Get rid of that massive irresponsibility called 'Cubby Station'. Get rid of all the other ones like it. Australia is not the place to grow cotton. I swear some people would try to farm Polar Bears in Broome if they could.

I suppose you don't understand why I have tied Cubby Farm to the current bushfire crisis. The answer is simple really. You cannot put bushfires out without water. The next fire will be along the Murray and the Murray won't exist after that. No Murray Cod. No water. No paddle steamers. No life. No future.

I don't mean to sound depressing but this is the truth. Thank god Rudd is in now and we can beat the idiots.


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