I am addicted
I have to do it more
And more
I can't help myself
I have to blog
Once you get started you can't stop. You have to write your self-indulgent bullshit. You also have to pretend that you are clever (thank you Paint for being simple to use, and thank you Anita O'Day for having such a stupid album cover).
Sorry Mum and Dad, I have found a good drug.
Even with a reduced bandwidth at the moment (I got a bit carried away with downloading stuff this month because I gotta new computer that works) I have to get on the B. Oh, the B. Yeah, oh yeah.
Even if I have nothing to say I still have to type. And type. And B. And B like there is no tomorrow. Oh, god help me.
Yes , egocentric bullshit. I love it. And that is the essence of Blogging. People talking about themselves, their opinions, the fact that they are always right, and how gosh-darned cool they are. Hunter S Thompson is in so many ways one of the original bloggers. Aldous Huxley, in 'The Doors of Perception' wrote about his experiences like it was a blog - he also came to the same conclusion as myself when he observed the self portrait of Cezanne: '"Who on earth does he think he is?" The question was not addressed to Cezanne in particular, but to the human species at large. "Who did they all think they were?"'
We can all write about who we are. Some of us choose to write about how we write about ourselves and some of us just write.
Soon the days of heroic journalism will be gone; individuals sacrificing everything to get out there and experience the world - selflessly reporting back to us boring individuals about the situation in some obscure country about some significant, although irrelevant problem. We can do it ourselves. I mean - for crying out loud - I just typed in 'Iraq blog' (please do not get me wrong Iraq is neither obscure or irrelevant) and this came up along with dozens more.
Soon no one will be a hero. It will be you and me in a battle of words and constantly competing rankings in technorati and the like. The world is full of journos. Even now the commercial stations have started hiring 'hot beatches' to 'sell' the 'news'. Sorry to all you 'old' journos. Get a boob job.
Will the excitement disappear as fast as Alexander Downer's foot into a fishnet stocking? No, it has just started. We can now vlog, so soon you will have to put up with me looking at you as well as talking crap. Nice. I will wear my hat just for the ladies out there.
Take it easy,
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