Mission number one was up Day's hill, at the back of Elmslea estate. My wife and I had discovered some ruins around the back of the hill. Unfortunately progress 'has to happen' and these ruins will probably be dug up and converted into a McMansion some time soon. Fortunately we found this little creepy haven before progress did. The strange thing about this place was that I couldn't get it out of my head all night, and I got really excited before I left to see it again. I hung around for a while, taking a few snaps here and there. I always felt like someone was watching me. The rain, mist and dead conifers matched the place perfectly.
A little side adventure was down to the train tracks, where I took a couple of 'typical' train track photos. I was also looked at very strangely by the train driver because, as far as he could tell, I was out in the middle of nowhere, in the pissing down rain taking photos. Thankfully the fact that I am a terrorist gave me good reason to be there.
From here I decided to go north towards Tarago. For your information this is the place that the Toyota Tarago was named after, it is just pronounced differently ie. Tarra go. I didn't end up getting there, but I did get about half way before I turned up Mount Fairy road. I went a long way up this road, found sweet FA and turned around.
On the way back I stumbled across a rather cool railway bridge, of which I took a number of photographs. Again it was pissing down and I did get a bit wet. Little did the train driver know that I was under the bridge as he was going over the top. Ha Ha Ha, my plans are coming to fruition.From here I headed back towards home, however I needed to make a little stop at my friends place (the bottlo). After grabbing some supplies I started to head back home, however after being harassed by those Canberra people I turned left instead of right and up trucking yard lane. I took a few photos of what was quite a significant cattle run and moved on.
Although I intended to go to Hoskinstown I turned up Gidleigh lane. This was a rather intelligent decision on my behalf because I don't think I have aver been anywhere as nice as this. Everything was green, old and beautiful. I have finally found out what should be up some of those old dirt roads.
It was all so nice a sat down and had one of those beers.
Great photos of the bridge and country road. The point of view under the bridge offers a kind of jigsaw effect, and the grey day makes the country road look even more isolated than usual
Another funny little fact about the town name of Tarago -once you leave town, it's still called Tarago, not Taragon. Just had to get that said. On a blog. :)
That was a Taragodawful joke Tim.
Ok, I'm not about to claim it was comic genius, though I'm sure even The Two Ronnies had their flat moments. Besides, after another week of the humour in the particular museum we work in, are you really that surprised? :)
Taragodawful?! Yes, well...
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