I would like some help here...
Having never really started a blog before I come to you all with a complete lack of experience and knowledge in the art of blogging. Despite this, I plan to come to the table with all the brute force, imagination and self generating interest of an oversized potato.
As you can guess by my little profile I live in Bungendore, New South Wales. To those that don't know, Bungendore is a little village about 1/2 an hour's drive from Canberra. In other words, about 30 kilometers from the centre of the universe. For those that are still lost, New South Wales is in Australia. Australia is led by the man in green. You might have seen him on the idiot box once.
I don't really want to be known as 'that blogger that carries on about politics all the time with his own agenda and his self-righteous opinions on how the world should operate and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...'
There are enough wankers in the world doing that to make up for all of us. Plus, it is a waste of time pointing out the obvious. Having said that, you will find (if you haven't switched me off already) that I can't help myself from time to time. Especially if I have drunk too many beers.
Well I suppose I just continue along these lines, try to say something useful from time to time, and just sit and wait until the fame and the fun associated with all that fame, washes over me in a flurry. I think I will be waiting a while.
Well there you have it. Not too hard really. I just wrote some crap. Nice. Oh, I didn't write about gardening. Now I did. Go plant some stuff.
Until next time,
Jum of Bungendore
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