I have already said it, and I will say it again - THE END IS NIGH!
But do not fear the Adelaide Crows are here! And guess what - I got some autographs! Woah!
Who cares if some bloke in a wheelchair has moved the ATOMIC CLOCK OF ABSOLUTE DOOM two minutes forward. I don't!
There are much bigger things to worry about than some false human construct. I mean really! This is the same bloke that says time is not real...
I won't go into this garbage because it is far too complicated and stupid. If our ancestors (cavemen) decided to worry about it we wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have AFL. Without AFL there wouldn't be any point in putting up with the cricket season. People might say 'hey NRL is the shit', all I say is 'NRL is pushing its way towards that poor excuse for a sport 'American Football'. If it could be any more moronic it would resemble the doomsday clock.
The cricket season exists to keep this whole thing in check. Why would you polish half a ball with the cavity next to your nuts and not a polishing rag? Why? Answer me this and you have your forty-two, your answer to the meaning of life. Why do ants carry their babies to higher ground before it rains? Because they can't build boats. Why, tell me WHY do people love NRL? Because they are too simple to understand anything else. Why does NRL exist? To make people feel better about themselves.
The Crows will win this year, and for you simpletons out there the Gold Coast will come third. There is your doomsday clock. Oh, Collingwood will (unfortunately) continue to play football and annoy everyone with their soppy coach. Manly will never be Manly and will continue to disappoint their fans by playing in drag.
The Australians will win the cricket and the Kiwis and the Poms will go home sad again (you have to be a pompous, bum patting, zinc wearing, self centred, beatch to win).
Happy new year sluggos!